"LANGUAGE IS ABOUT CONNECTIONS"(Five questions given by Professor Fajardo to reflect on)
1. What could Language Learning and Teaching benefit
from Neurolinguistic studies?

Examples of these connections and relations are the
influences of language processing in the brain; how some language procedures
take place and the different issues that can be considered as encouraging or
affecting factors at the moment of attempting to learn another
language. Injuries to the lower parts of the post central area of the left
hemisphere cause a syndrome in which the articulation of sounds are not
possible and the person can have serious difficulty writing words, for example.
Moreover, the Neurolinguistics has a very large
interest in the phonetic, morphological, grammatical and syntactical language,
and also has been interested in clarifying the role that language plays in
transmitting not only data but also in the influence language has on the
It is also outstanding to consider a careful look and
reflection over the causes and consequences that factors that inhibit the
process of learning and teaching another language because they can probably be
outstanding when looking for answers about "delays"
"impediments" or "obstacles" in the process of being a
successful learner of a foreign/second language. It is possible to say that
Neurolinguistics contemplates the possibility that there may be different
functional topographies of the cerebral representation regarding distinct
processes in language learning: Aphasia, Dyslexia, among others.
2. Where is Language?
This question is maybe one of the most difficult to
answer at the moment. We can say that Language is everywhere like the air, like
the butterflies over the grass in spring. Language is holding the hand of a
couple in love or maybe it is in the mischievous look of a little kid when
taking cookies without asking for one. Language can be the weird and mocking
face of your mother when telling you where the things are supposed to be and
you just don't see them. Language is located in the book that was written
thousands of years ago and it is still in the hands of a long-haired girl
sitting in the park smiling alone because maybe something funny came to her
mind. Language is in the news, it is in the politician rehearsed speech or it
is in the poster of a girl holding a perfume that you just can't stop looking
at. I think I just can describe countless times I've seen, heard and smelt
language. But if we have to be a little bit more exact, it is maybe possible to
affirm that Neurolinguistically talking the language is processed in our
brains, and why not? if our brain is the most complex organism ever known. We
make thousands and thousands of connections just to move our hands and say
"hello!" and why not if just something affects it (Broca's,
Wernicke's area for instance), we can probably never understand a beautiful
song while thinking about the meaning of it or while writing a poem that will
be read, understood and loved by someone.
3.What is language?
Language is about connections. It is not only a
particular system of communication and it is not necessary an only-human
ability. Language is nature, is not only to convey meaning by giving oral or
written information since it is possible to see language as body movements,
images, gestures, music, sounds etc. Moreover, I consider as a personal
appreciation that Language is the true Fountain of Youth as it can immortalize
everything across the years. Language is power; it is the possibility of
changing other's mind, to convince a complete country to believe or act the way
you want. Language can manipulate or liberate the souls, can destroy what was
considered not destroyable before. Language is the representation of the human
being and his remnant in history. Language is definable and indefinable at the
same time, it contains so many things that you just can think of anything and
language somehow has something to do there.
4. To what extent does Neurolinguistics help to reconceptualize the meaning of language competence?
Since Neurolinguistics
analyzes the language and its connections with the human brain, it can
establish or state the processes which serve as functional regarding the biological
capacity of a human being in one part. On the other part, NL also studies on
the complex way the language is constructed through human evolution, how the
first language is acquired and what can disturb or nourish the learning process
of a second one. With a big influence on
what it is supposed to fit into “ability” or “capacity”, the NL can help to focus
or center the attention on characteristics that can be characterized into solid
language competence or the existance of a reinforcement need or special treatment application in order to get close to what a conscious and effective
language competence is. Despite the concept of competence can be misunderstood only
by the “capacity” it is possible to take it into account also as the “appropriate
or adequate learning procedure” so It not only the capacity to learn a language what matters to NL but also what enforces or stimulates the
learner in order to lead him/her to a real language competence.
Great post!
ReplyDeleteLanguage is something that tries to be defined by people, but is it almost impossible to do it because it is an extension of the spirit and the human mind.
Luz Helena:
ReplyDeleteI found interesting your reflections and effort to build up understanding of linguistics as well as teaching and learning. You wanted to work on the questions posted in the seminar, which became scholarly addressed. Well done. I sincerely recommend you to keep a record of entries on a more regular basis. So far you have posted few ones but a lot of interesting things have been happening. Well at least this is my feeling. Am I wrong? One of your classmates exchanged some points with you. Well done again. Encourage more comments and be a participant yourself. My second goal is to contribute creating a community of practice. Help me in such an endeavour. Carry on and I would like to see a higher number of entries the next time I log in your blog.
Hi professor Thanks for your feedback. I'm happy to see you around again. Yes there have been a lot of reflections and awakenings jijijij thanks to you and the nice way you're teaching us the wonderful world of Linguistics (which before wasn't too nice for me to be honest XD) One thing I'm concerned about is that I had two more posts here but I don't know how (technology runs over me XD) the posts are seemed to be "invisible" or something like that :(!!!! It's unfair :( cuz' I have two more posts but I don't know why they are not here, (you know I love the blog dynamics so it is not possible to only have these three posts :( I was waiting for you to look at my blog with such a lot of illusion) I'm gonna see what happen and if I have to publish them again, I'll do it. But please, please, please check it again right now :( You will see I've been working hard on this :(
DeleteHi lucy,
ReplyDeleteWow, you are amazing girl. i will be honest i have been learning many things in this M.A from you. You always do interesting critical reflections and wonderful comments. keep working in that way!!!
Related to Language, i agree with you " Language is the true Fountain of Youth", because as our souls are immortal, although we are old, our souls will be young for ever. According to Yanki Tauber,"The soul is the self, the "I" that inhabits the body and acts through it. Without the soul, the body is like a light bulb without electricity, a computer without the software, a space suit with no astronaut inside." So, language is a metaphor of the soul;it never dies and it is part of ours.It is the sense of our identity and culture to live and confront...Now we must ask, what would we be without language?
Tauber, Y. (2013).www.Chabad.org. What is a soul.
Thank you all for your beautiful comments! (I'm gonna cry) I think we are on the same truck to discover what Linguistics has for us :) I know there are many things left but I think that this process is more on our own. We have to be more and more concious on the importance of reflecting on issues that are presented in the language since yes! We are Linguistics (no matter who it hurts)we are always asking, looking, reflecting and writing about Language :) and since Language is infinite we have a lot of work to do :* xoxo