Tuesday, April 30, 2013

The Power of Reading (A Krashen Conference report, Bogota, April 24th)

To start Krashen did a warm-up of his workshop talking about the concept of Comprehension Hypothesis. For Krashen, one way to acquire is to understand the information. The Comprehensible input can be as they "How they say" to "What they say" the canal of this process is the possibility of understand the input.

Krashen explained his point by starting saying that that The Comprehension Hypothesis and the Skill-based Hypothesis are rivals. The CH for Krashen provides the learner the opportunity to develop Literacy and Skills literacy while the SBH worried about the Grammar and Vocabulary to someday use the language.

Krashen continued his point saying that for the "Input" to be "meaningful" it is necessary to be interesting and get Ss' attention. For Krashen one of the main sources of Input is "Reading". However, for Krashen, a learner should read freely and for pleasure. Thanks to Free-voluntary Reading a learner can acquire vocabulary, learn spelling, and reflect on many other issues in the language.

For Krashen Volutary-reading and Reading for pleasure involves different issues such as Access to readings (libraries, internet etc), Massive and autonomous voluntary Reading, appealing material for the learners to get their attention on. The Power of Reading is represented by Reading for pleasure not as something mandatory. This concept makes Reading faster and pleasant. Moreover, it also impedes the Ss’ inclination for easy Reading. Besides, it is important to take advantage that we are living in a literature age where Young children and youngsters are faced to books such as "Harry Potter" and "Twilight".
Reading helps to get language-composition process strategies that lead to good writing and problem solving. Once more, the connection between Reading and Writing is eminent. So, according to Krashen from many advantages mentioned here and faced in the classroom Reading is a powerful tool that we sometimes take for granted, omit, forget or just let at the end of the teaching process.

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